Creating a Meaningful Visit with a Dementia Client
Hand Massage
- Find a place with few distractions and minimal background noise to create relaxation
- Use a big smile or wave hello, fewer words are less confusing to the client
- Hard of hearing - speak slowly, normal voice and facing client
- In a softer tone, singing an old familiar song will often trigger pleasant memories


- Warm wet cloth to wash hands
- Towel to dry hands
- Pillow to place arms on
- Hand cream or favorite lotion

- Position yourself facing resident - look for signs of fear or pain in their expression
- Position yourself so that you and the client are comfortable - position arms on the pillow will
promote relaxation
- Wipe hands carefully with warm wet wash cloth
- Gently hold one hand then rub cream onto hand, wrist and lower forearm. Begin to massage
the whole area gently checking to make sure this is not causing client any discomfort. Massage
around each finger - avoiding excess pressure on bony prominences as older people have painful joints
- Keep an eye on the clients face throughout the massage so you will quickly pick up on any signs of
discomfort. Report any painful joints to the staff
- Duration 5 - 30 minutes depending on time and comfort level

Source: CapitalCare Lynnwood